'I Give You This Story'
I give you this story,
this proper, true story,
People can listen.
I'm telling this while you've got time,
time for you to make something,
you know,
I was thinking.
No history written for us.
when white European start here,
only few words written.
Should be more than that.
Should be written way Aborigine was live.
That floodplain.
My father, my mother, my grandfather
all used to hunt there, use ironwood spear.
No clothes then.
When I was growing up
good mob of people all around then.
Now people bit wicked.
My time never do little bit wrong,
otherwise get spear straight away.
Now, little bit cheeky mob.
Old time they would all be dead now.
Old people were hard.
I was frightened when young.
Only few people now,
But it easy for this mob.
Anyway, got to be made that book.
There's still time.
No man can growl at me for telling this story,
because it will be too late.
I'll be dead.
Bill Neidjie c. 1920 – 23 May 2002
Winter Solstice
Jayden’s Mum had read him Beowulf, that Lady poem about shallots and the
Narnia Chronicles and she knew what happened to the children of those men
4 months ago