Winter Solstice
Jayden’s Mum had read him Beowulf, that Lady poem about shallots and the
Narnia Chronicles and she knew what happened to the children of those men
4 months ago
All Yukon belong to my papas. All Klondike belong my people. Country now all mine. Long time all mine. Hills all mine; caribou all mine; moose all mine; rabbits all mine; gold all mine.
White man come and take all my gold. Take millions, take more hundreds fifty millions, and blow ‘em in Seattle. Now Moosehide Injun want Christmas. Game is gone. White man kills all moose and caribou near Dawson, which is owned by Moosehide. Injun everywhere have own hunting grounds. Moosehides hunt up Klondike, up Sixtymile, up Twentymile, but game is all gone. White man kill all.
Chief Isaac quoted in Dawson Daily News, 15 Dec. 1911.